Ani Po Ang Meaning Ng Concubinage

Ani po ang meaning ng concubinage



concubine   This a woman who is kept as a lover by a married man or in other words; mistress. She is a woman that has an affair with a man who has a legal wife and even children.

concubinage  This is the act of having a concubine or a mistress despite having a legal wife. Concubinage is against the law of God and the law of the people

Concubinage ruin many lives of families. Many wives were hurt knowing that their husband kept another woman more than them. Children are also hurt by these kind of action. Nevertheless, the government of the Philippines has a law that takes concubinage as adultery and can be in jailed for a maximum of six years if proven guilty.

Here are examples of sentences that use concubinage:

  1. Hayden is accused of concubinage and is proven guilty by the court.
  2. Concubinage is a sin in the eyes of the Lord so therefore a husband must put his full faithfulness upon his wife.
  3. Do not let your concubine hurt my children.
  4. I was set free from a concubinage relationship because I realized that it is not worthy.
  5. I am so happy to see that Mark and Cess are able to restore their marriage after he left his concubine.

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